Bridal party

Cute stuff you won't read about our friends

Bridal party
Photo by Mélanie Villeneuve / Unsplash
If you have any questions that shouldn't involve the bride and groom to be, you can contact the bridal party here:

Vivian Capel


When Vivian and I discovered each other's love for bitterballen, our friendship was born. We met during college and over the years, Vivian has become an essential part of my daily routine and one of my dearest friends. We've cooked countless meals together, partied during amazing (non-)memorable nights, and spent hours and hours of talking, listening and supporting each other. Viev: my 10 years in Utrecht would not have been the same if I hadn't met you in the Voorstraat.

Fair warning, she's a born organizer, and will make sure everything will go smoothly on our wedding day. Follow her orders and you'll be fine.


Judith van der Salm


Judith and I met on our very first day in high school when we were both brugpiepers. With her contagious laughter, openness and mouth that never stops talking, we quickly became close friends. We've had many first-firsts, e.g. first night out (and second, and third, ...), first holiday without parents (and second, and third, ...), first time using random white paint. Jud: I'm grateful you have been in my life for all these years. You did not follow me to the big city Utrecht, but when we get together, we pick up right where we left off.

Fair warning, She is not that tall.

Kwik, Kwek, and Kwak; or from Left->Right: Myrthe, Irina, Dana, and Viola

Viola, Myrthe and Dana


My three lovely sisters. So many similarities, and yet so different. It means the world to me to have you in my life. It's probably safe to assume that of all people, I've expressed my least positive side to you the most. That is what sisters are for, right? ;) Over the years, our lives have become more alike and that has strengthened our relationships even more. I can't wait to see what our future holds and I am 1000% certain our sisterhood will always be as strong as it is.

Fair warning, these Van Dijkies prefer to greet each other with one kiss on the cheek.


Raymond Caron


We met the first day of high school and never looked back. He taught me about the most important things in life: cars, metal 🤘, and Canadian Football. Despite living 2, 4, or 8 hours away from each other longer than we lived in the same town, our comedy and conversation sensibilities are still joined at the hip. Ray is the only person I have ever been on a 4 hour phone call with, and it happens more frequently than either of us will admit.

Brian Meierdeircks


One of the indispensable RPI crew along with the Jo(h)ns, hall-mate, roommate, Taco Bell connoisseur, and Groeningographer; with the calculating brilliance of Rain Man and the ineffable charm of Tom Cruise's sunglasses, he's got it all. We mind-melded for a year back in Maryland and we can still finish a disturbingly-large number of each other's sentences.

Tyler Flagg


My brilliant, charismatic, enterprising little brother, and the only man to approach both my physical attractiveness and ability to be correct about everything. If he had a podcast, you'd be listening to it.

"Little Jon"

Jonathan Edwards


The guy who had the car at college, the man who taught me to be a techie and an early adopter and that HAM radio was still a thing, a consummate Spoorwegologist, the Riddler to my Batman, and one of the two best Jo(h)ns.


John Sullivan


My first roommate, Minister of Silly Walks, the only man I know who has only ever coded for the sheer fun of it, one of the few people who I could debate for hours and love every minute of it, and one of the two best Jo(h)ns.